Recruitment for EarthBenign, Lauching a Disruptive Venture (applying to currency systems) NEXT STEP

Convener: Kevin Koym and Tapan Bhargave

notetaker: Tapan Bhargave


Cultural Disruption

Entrepreneurs: motivation

What’s your Why? disruptive path  burning need, why did God put you on Earth?

Mechanics of getting business done. 

Individuals don’t consider how they’re training themselves à continually training yourself. 

Entrepreneurs isolate themselves vs being continually in a learning process.  Knowledge flows à knowledge has to continue to flow.  Cover yourself.

Culture that made the country song è at the basis of the US success è we’re going to help each other. 

Launched venture in Mexico, in Chile  can still see community happening.

Entrepreneurs have forgotten

Structure – how are we all connected?

Food trailers vs McDonald’s in WalMart?

Is a structure set up in a way where we can resolve to having something happen?

Social network structure for some other group – talk to the man about financial capital.  Set up simple systems that you can resolve into a result. Financial Capital system à expectation about funding.  This is a limitation. 

Structure – not having all the financial capital you need.

Oppenheimer bomb – first atomic bomb. 


Destroying something – lots of responsibility that goes with that. 

Get caught up in the shininess of the object  we end up destroying something

Next Economy – if not cognizant – could become biggest slavery ever.


Model – make sure you know what’s in your heart – your passion.


Next Econ : Chamber of Commerce

Texas Green Network


Tapan: viable career path – 40 hours

Kevin: coffee club, where this country came from, lowly worker would be right next to the rich guy – American Revolution came out of those coffee clubs


Google Doc – coffee clubs.  Creating culture – manufacturing culture; formalized.   Techranch… 


The “Regulars” – an educational system – Joe Bush – coffee at 9AM on Friday morning on back porch of Mozarts. 


Nicko – gave Texas Green Network credits example:

Kevin offered “excess capacity” in the form of “space @ Techranch”


Capacity Exchange – experiment – demo by EarthBenign – trace the links, establishing links. 


Austin Cooperative Business Association -  an advocate of co-op economies


Mention googlegroup, wiki in the email to everybody