Collaborative Consumption

Convener: Brian Donovan (actually convener didn't show up so Brian stepped up)

Notetakers: Dave Sanford and Chris Eddleman


Dave's notes:

Shared bios, began asking question of ourselves.


Can we get rid of money? Advantages of local vs. global


Instead of conflict resolution, conflict transformation - which allows people to create the rule of their discussion, negotiation and resolution.


Talked about jobs as contracts.


Freelancer's union.


Social contracts as a necessary precursor to other ones that are sustainable.


Talked about individuals selling their services as subscription services.


Exchanged email - good talk that the notes don't necessarily reflect.




Chris's notes:

collaborative consumption - creative conflict


How to get rid of money?

feasible or not

relationship to resources


local vs. global


how to empower the local

how to get equal access to goods and services